Cannot access Confluence from domain name.

Geir Larsen March 26, 2012

We installed Confluence 4+ on the same server as JIRA. We did not give it a domain name or anything at that time. We accessed it by simply using the jira address with port 90 specified.

This worked.

Then I asked if we could have instead.

And since then we have had problems.

I cannot access the confluence application via the domain name, only via jira:90.

Anyone got any experience in setting up confluence on the same box as JIRA that could give us some advice?

Any help appreciated.

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Dennis Kromhout van der Meer
Rising Star
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March 26, 2012

Maybe something else is running already on port 80, be sure to check that first. Additionally, check our Apache integration guide if you're running Apache Web Server:

Geir Larsen March 26, 2012

Jira is running on port 80. We are using Tomcat on a windows box..

Geir Larsen March 28, 2012

We finally resolve this issue. Just followed the typical requirements of editing the Server.xml file, etc. However, I suspect our problem may have been not restarting the necessary services correctly. Reboot did eventually do the trick! lol...

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