Can you organize entries alphabetically?

Michael Blumfield January 25, 2018

My company is creating a new way of organizing some of its operations and creating a lot of entries accordingly. Is there a way to sort them alphabetically so we can group similar ideas together? Thanks for your help.


1 answer

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Thomas Schlegel
Community Leader
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January 26, 2018

Hi Michael,

pages in your Confluence are sorted alphabetically by default unless you start to sort them manually. Then the latest page is added as the last one in the tree.

You can restore the default sort order by clicking on the "A-Z-arrow" again:



Michael Blumfield January 26, 2018

Great. Thanks, Thomas.

Michael Blumfield February 13, 2018

Hey, Thomas. I was looking at this again. The pages I am looking at are actually child pages of another page, and I'm not an administrator. Is the sorting only available to administrators? Can you sort the child pages? The way we would name them would be with Jira titles, so it would be three common letters that signify the organization, then numbers. E.g., XYZ-1903, XYZ-2405, XYZ-1204 might need to be resorted.

Any guidance you can provide? I could work through the help documents but am just trying to get a quick answer if possible. Thanks. I appreciate it.

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