Can you make a diagram's max-width fixed?

Adrian Moreno
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April 24, 2020

The following issue occurs in Confluence. I have used a diagram in one of my company pages, and I really want to change the maximum width of that diagram to 200% or higher. The reason behind it is that I've been receiving many complaints from my colleagues regarding the small size of the diagram and how it's so difficult to read the small text.

I've been inspecting the page in Chrome and it looks like the maximum width is always 100%, which makes the diagram responsive and changeable based on the window size, which is great, but not what I want. I want the diagram to have a fixed with. I've tried changing the maximum width in Confluence's source editor, but it gets overwritten. I've tried changing the width through an HTML <script> tag in the source editor, but no luck. Any ideas about how to change the maximum width permanently?

Thank you


Screenshot 2020-04-24 at 18.27.55.png


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Deleted user October 18, 2021

I have the same issue Atlassian, any solution? @Adrian Moreno have you been able to find a good way to make the diagrams bigger? 

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