Can you create Jira tickets from Google calendar?

Jeremy Price May 22, 2017

What I am trying to do is have Jira automatically create tickets when certain items (ie. conference rooms or rented items) are selected and a time block is used to show how long that item/room is to be used for. Is there a way for Jira to use that information and create a ticket.

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Atlassian Team
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May 25, 2017

Hi Jeremy,

There are a couple of options. One option would be Zapier. Using their product you can follow the steps in How to Integrate Google Calendar with JIRA to accomplish this. Another option would be to use webhooks to call the Google Calendar API when creating new issues.



Sandip Agarwal April 16, 2020

@somethingblue Is the any tutorial or out of box solution to it now ? 

Sandip Agarwal April 16, 2020

@somethingblue use case : want to create tasks from Google Calender for Sales teams and log minutes of meetings and time for the same in tickets,

Deleted user May 6, 2020

@Sandip Agarwal 

Did you find the answer to this? 
What I want to do is put meetings for the marketing team into their sprint as "done" to get a better understanding of where time is going, how much time is used on doing v meetings.

Chays van Deventer July 17, 2021

I found a way to do this using In my case I wanted to create a ticket for every client meeting to take notes in.

I setup a trigger that runs from my calendar at the start of an event (this will then account for recurring events) and I search for a special character as I only want client meetings to create a ticket and not every meeting. In my case I used ~ as the special character.

I then create an action to create a ticket, specify the project and fields!

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