Can't remove page restrictions after importing the space

Sergey Novikov September 8, 2020
  1. Imported one space from paid plan to free one
  2. Several pages were with permissions. 
  3. On [name][space] page on the Restricted pages tab trying to remove permission (for this case they are not needed) Annotation 2020-09-08 192457.png
  4. Proceeding to remove all restrictions Annotation 2020-09-08 1.png
  5. Receiving this message:Annotation 2020-09-08 1924517.png

User that created the page is obviously not existing in the new space. But it is fine. As we need only information of the specific space for a separate domain, nothing else. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 9, 2020

Hello @Sergey Novikov !

As I understand, you need to remove restrictions from a page that was imported into your instance via Space Import using an Space Export from Confluence Server.

According to documentation, you should be able to remove all restrictions from pages:

After you switch to the Free plan, any restrictions you’ve set on a page will remain in place. If needed, you can open up the page to all users. This will let anyone with access to your Confluence site view and edit the page.

Here is our full documentation about it:

However, I was able to replicate your behavior. If I import a space that contains restricted pages from both Confluence Server Instance or a Confluence Cloud Site to which my user does not have access this error comes up.

As a makeshift workaround, I was able to start my Standard version trial and then remove the restrictions. After doing that, I went back to the Free plan. Here we have more details on pricing:

I have raised a bug report about it here:

Currently, the best course of action would be to vote and watch the report. Voting for it helps to increase the report visibility. Watching it will keep you up to date with anything posted there.

Let us hear from you!

Sergey Novikov September 9, 2020

So it is confirmed as a bug. 

Thank you for your answer. I'll try to do workaround with upgrade. 

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Donald Gifford
I'm New Here
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February 2, 2022

A way to get around this without upgrading is using groups. So if you have a group in the restricted pages, just remake that group that is in the import, THEN import. It will map that new group that's named the same to the group in the restricted import. 



Group in restricted page - cool-people

Create new group in new confluence called cool-people. Add the users you want to access the restricted page into that new group.

Import the space into the new confluence.


You should be able to access the restricted pages now. If you are on the free confluence you cannot change the permission but at least you can access it. 

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 9, 2020

@Sergey Novikov 

You cannot change the authorizations in the Cloud Free version. You can only give all users all permissions for an area

Upgrade for setting permissions for the area
You use the free tariff, so you cannot change the authorizations for areas. Upgrade your plan to set permissions for areas. If necessary, you can grant all users permissions for this area. (Anonymous users are not given permissions.)

Settings -> Area authorizations -> Manage authorizations

Sergey Novikov September 9, 2020

That is the goal - to have no authorizations (give all users all permissions for an area - is the goal) . They do exist in backup file. They are no longer needed. Message says that it is ok to remove. But then there is non-explaining error. 

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