Can't add new user

Ruediger Holdmann June 11, 2018


Jiira/Confluence does not allow to add a new User, currently only 7 User-Accounts were active, we do have just a 10 User Starter. There are huge Exceptions you can see/download here:

This crash happens when I was inviting a User and he is submitting his Data to register

This crash happens when I am creating a new in Confluence User-Management:

I've noticed the refused Connection here, ServerLogs at the end showing Broken Pipe as well, but I don't know how to deal with that. Both VMs see each other, both can ping them either ways, there is no firewall involved, there a two different HostMachines involved to Host the VMs for Jiira and Confluence.

We did run Jiira and Confluence on one single VirtualMachine until 2 Weeks ago. Because of those random crashes of the Confluence I wrote here couple of months ago, I've cloned the VM, uninstalled Jirra on one, Confluence from the other, gave the Clone a new IP, told Jiira the IP of the ConfluenceServer and run them. I've done this 2 weeks ago and we did not run into any other trouble so far. Both Servers are not www-online available, only LAN.

3 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 13, 2018

Hi there,

The only idea I have in mind now would be a local user to edit the directory properties to make sure the IP is the right one, if both Jira and Confluence are connecting through Crowd that should definitely work is the application link is made and the server configuration is OK. As you mentioned, you'd need a local user to edit Crowd properties though...

Best luck!

Ruediger Holdmann June 13, 2018

well... you cannot create a local user in Confluence as long a s Jiira is supposed to be the CrowdServer for it.

As I write, I cannot find any hint what could happen if I would disable external UserManagement in Confluence. I am afraid after doing that there is no logon possible anymore, because all user accounts are related ti Jiira.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 13, 2018

You should have the Confluence Internal directory available even if users are coming from another directory. It might not be enabled and therefore you can't pick it up when creating a user but there's definitely an Internal directory somewhere. Please type "User directory" in the search bar and the admin link should pop. From there. you'll be able to re-enable it eventually!


0 votes
Ruediger Holdmann June 12, 2018

found this term in binarys only. No way to go further here.

Next step would be to disable crowd logon and make them two independent servers.  As  wrote before, what happens then to the existing users and their files in Confluence? All of them were synced from Jiira. I am stuck.

0 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 11, 2018

Hi there!

I guess Confluence is using Jira's directory for its users. Can you make sure your application link have been deleted and rebuilt? IDs mismatch is a common error!

Also, can you make sure JIRA User Server (under User management) is properly configured?

As it's a network issue, it's pretty hard to help you remotely unfortunately!

Let us know if you manage to get it working!


Ruediger Holdmann June 11, 2018

Hey Micky, thanks for the reply.

I've rebuilded both links in Jiira and Confluence, but no success. To test I've disabled one User in Jira and checked his Status in Confluence and vice-versa, but no.

User-Management Interface does not show any errors, Captcha is disabled on default.

Then I found this:

But I cannot change anything unless I would logon as local user, but I cannot add local User at all. So it seems I have to disable external UserManagement first, but what would this then do with the existing Confluence-Accounts? I hope they remain as they are right now.

I found in Confluence-Server "Overview Directory-Configuration, and here is the 'old' IP listed where Confluence is supposed to check/sync UserDirectory.

    "crowd.server.url": ""

obviously it should be

    "crowd.server.url": ""

I assume it's a simple config-file somewhere, but I cannot find the given name for this file "atlassian-directory-configuration" anywhere on my Server.. I am gona search for the term like:

sudo grep -ir "crowd.server.url*" /var/*

Maybe I get lucky ....

Ruediger Holdmann June 12, 2018

Hey Micky, thanks for the reply.

I've rebuilded both links in Jiira and Confluence, but no success. To test I've disabled one User in Jira and checked his Status in Confluence and vice-versa, but no.

User-Management Interface does not show any errors, Captcha is disabled on default.

But I cannot change anything unless I would logon as local user, but I cannot add local User at all. So it seems I have to disable external UserManagement first, but what would this then do with the existing Confluence-Accounts? I hope they remain as they are right now.

I found in Confluence-Server "Overview Directory-Configuration, and here is the 'old' IP listed where Confluence is supposed to check/sync UserDirectory.

    "crowd.server.url": ""

obviously it should be

    "crowd.server.url": ""

I assume it's a simple config-file somewhere, but I cannot find the given name for this file "atlassian-directory-configuration" anywhere on my Server.. I am gona search for the term like:

sudo grep -ir "crowd.server.url*" /var/*

Maybe I get lucky ....

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