Can lazy loading be done?

trtherrien September 29, 2021

One of our teams has confluence page that have so many Jira links on different tabs that some queries are timing out loading. NOTE: the page with all tabs is loaded correctly. Moreover first few tabs have all queries operational.  Is it possible to do lazy loading? For example on “Tab” click.

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Brant Schroeder
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September 29, 2021

@trtherrien There is not a delivered lazy load feature nor is there an app that provides this functionality.   If operations are timing out I would look at tuning your servers.  Even if it is pulling a large amount of data back it should eventually load.  You should make sure that your DB and application servers are correctly configured so you can get the most out of them.

Robert Hellmann August 11, 2024

Content formatting macros has the feature to activate lazy-loading for tabs pages.

BR Robert

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