Can a Custom Seraph Authenticator be shared between standalone JIRA and Confluence instances?

Scott Faller
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September 28, 2011

We already have a standalone JIRA 4.4 instance hosted internally with a custom seraph authenticator to our own enterprise Single Sign On directory. If we install a trial and eventually a licensed standalone Confluence 4.0 instance on the same physical server, can we use the same custom seraph authenticator for Confluence that we are using today for JIRA? Or do we have to maintain a different seraph authenicator for Confluence. Even if they are separate XML files, can the configurations be the same?

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Rising Star
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September 28, 2011

In my opinion, a different authenticator is required because both Confluence and JIRA authenticators use their application specific libraries.

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LloydM March 25, 2014

How are you implementing the custom seraph authenticator? If it is contained in a plugin, you should be able to deploy the plugin to both JIRA and Confluence. The modifications to the web.xml and seraph-config.xml should be similar to both. One thing to be aware of is that your custom seraph authenticator will need to use DefaultAuthenticator for JIRA and ConfluenceAuthenticator for Confluence. I was pointed in the right direction from an answer to one of my questions:

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