Can I use a Confluence page for Click Once Distribution?

Gary Krone
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November 20, 2018

I have a c# application that I have developed for work.  One of the users suggested that I automate the installation.  Click Once seems like the ideal candidate since the application will check for an update every time the user starts up the application.  

Can I set up a confluence page as the repository for the click once files?  We usually don't have to login to confluence to access our project pages, will we have to login to access these files?  Any tips on how to do this?

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Atlassian Team
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November 22, 2018

Hi Gary, 

If you are referring to storing the files in Confluence. Yes this is possible by following the knowledge base below. 

This means you can put the files in table format with no issue. 



If you are always able to access without logging in you should not have an issue downloading the file at all. 

Gary Krone
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 26, 2018

Storing the files on confluence is not a problem.

Accessing the files as part of a Click Once deployment is the question.  I did a quick test by copying the files to the page.  The only thing I can do is download the files.  I can't run the setup.exe file from the confluence page and the publish.html file can only be downloaded.

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