Can I set a template as my default page that gets created rather than a blank page?

Larry September 8, 2020

I don't want just a blank page, I want a certain template everytime without any extra menuing or clicking or anything!

2 answers

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Jillian Patterson September 24, 2020

Hi @Larry

As Stephen mentioned, ScriptRunner for Confluence may help - you could set up a "skeleton" space that has pages / page trees organized in a specific way and use that as a template to be copied again and again (using the Copy Space built-in script). If a whole space isn't needed, the same can be done with just a section / page tree(s) (using the Copy Page Tree built-in script). Hope this helps!


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Ste Wright
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September 8, 2020

Hi @Larry 

As far as I'm aware, it isn't possible to change this button's behaviour.

There has been a previous suggestion for this - see: CONFCLOUD-3697 - it looks like you've commented on this recently.


Whilst these aren't directly related to your need - you could consider:

  • Promotion: Promote Templates you want your team to use so they appear near the top of the "choose template" section when clicking Create. See how to promote templates here.
  • Template Button: Add a Create from Template Macro to a page. Users can press the button to create a new child page, with the specific template applied.
  • Copy Hyperlink: Similar to Template Button. Create a template page in a page hierarchy - then copy the link address for "copying" that page from the options menu. Next, create a hyperlink in the parent page to that copy link address, effectively creating from a template which more than just Space Admins can modify.


Let us know if you'd like any help with any of the above options :)


Larry September 8, 2020

Yeah, I know about these. I was hoping that this existed as what I am really trying to is automate the creation of confluence pages from say a google sheets file. So every row is a new page.


Was hoping to be able to do it as a template. but that's way more complicated as you have to get into source editing of the template page and such. If I could have just made the page I wanted to be the default; problem solved! Also, the source editor is only available for server from Atlassian and I'm not going to use someone else's from reading the reviews.

Ste Wright
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September 9, 2020

Hi @Larry 

I'm not sure about creation from a Google Sheets file...

But you might be able to automate some of your needs using an app - such as Scriptrunner for Confluence.

I would investigate if an app like this meets your requirements. Using Scriptrunner as the example, I would review their documentation or contact the vendor via their Support Page to ask.

See more app options on the Marketplace :)


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