Can I customize tables in Jira Blog with drop down menus and a COUNT function for cells?

Eddie Shim November 20, 2018

Hello Atlassian Community,

We are using Jira Blogs to create a tracking table for our organization.  We would like to do three things specifically:


1) Create customized drop down menus for each cell, so that when we click the drop down arrow it populates with our customized choices to fill into that cell.

2) Implement a COUNT function similar to Excel where the cell tracks a specific range of cells i.e. the number of instances of A, B, C in each cell.

Thank you!

2 answers

1 vote
Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 26, 2018

Hi Eddie,

Not sure if this will help, but

  1. As a dropdown you can use Handy Status macro (Handy Macros app): select a status from a predefined set in page view or edit modes. See how it works here.
  2. To calculate number of instances (A, B, C, etc) in table cells you can use Pivot Table macro (Table Filter and Charts app). See how it works here.
Eddie Shim November 27, 2018

Hello Andrey,

Thank you for the answer!  Are all of these apps pay for use?  To your knowledge, are there any free options available?

Thanks again.



0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 23, 2018

Hi Eddie,

I'm not too familiar with a product called Jira Blogs. Could you let us know exactly which add-on this is so we can help you?



Eddie Shim November 26, 2018

Hi Shannon,

I am referring to a blog page in Confluence, more specifically editing the tables in an Excel style as referenced above inside these blog pages.  Does that make sense?




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