Can I create a global action

OToole November 6, 2018

Hi All,

I need to update fields based on a spreadsheet in confluence,  since I can't find a way to trigger jira based on confluence changes,  and I don't want to poll. 

Is there a way to do this?    I need to have the user run a script from any status and stay in that status.  Like Edit or Comment

Putting in a  looping transition on every status would be painful..   My best though is to  create a transition to "Update WB"  that is a global transition.  Do the update then fast track the status change and try to use the change history to get the previous status

A global action would be much easier..

1 answer

1 vote
Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2018


We want to ensure we answer your question in full detail. With that said, we need a bit more information to do so.

When you mentioned updating fields, where do those fields live?

When you mentioned transitions, would these be Jira issue transitions or Confluence page states?

Another idea would be to have webhooks for Confluence. While this is not yet available there is a feature request to add webhooks to Confluence. If this matches your requirements we would suggest you vote and watch the feature request to get updates. That feature request is here CONFSERVER-52487.

Once we have a bit more information we can starting addressing your workflow.

Stephen Sifers

OToole November 13, 2018

Hi Stephen, Sorry I wasn't clear. The fields I need to update are in Jira. We have an excel spreadsheet in confluence that is linked to our issue. Users input data into it and it has some formulas to calculate some key metrics we want to store in Jira. As this spreadsheet has over 600 input fields it is not a good candidate for porting into jira.

I couldn't not find a way to generate a trigger or action from confluence to run our import Code based on when a page attachment is updated.

So we thought that the user could do a manual import when he needed the fields in Jira. but they want that "import" button available for all statuses in the jira issue ( 18 statuses).  And we don't want to change status when an import is done.

Since I could not find any way to do this,  I have since just added a transition to each status that loops back to the same status and added our code to each as a  postfunction.

Painful and tedious but it got the job done.

Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2018


It does sound like you found a great work around to your issue. Using a transition at each status does sound like a good method (until webhooks can be introduced).

Thanks for your response and what you did for your solution!

Stephen Sifers

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