Can I add Outlook distribution list (DG) as watcher to my confluence page?

Pranay Srivastava
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January 10, 2019

Hi experts,


I am the space admin of the Confluence page I have created for our organization's Agile adoption and upload/update content on a daily basis. I was trying to add Outlook DGs as watcher to the page but didn't find a way. Adding 200+ people one by one is very time-consuming.


Has anyone done it before? TIA!




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 10, 2019

You would have to be using a system that pulls your "DG" into Confluence as though it were a real user with an email address. 

A dummy account with the email of the list is about the only way to do this (and I would strongly recommend that you don't, as spamming 200 people who may not care with no way to unsubscribe themselves is a really bad thing to do)

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