Can Handy Macro work with Table Transformer/use Automated script to update status?

Yatiraj Sharma July 18, 2024

We have installed the Handy Macro at our testing site, and I am trying to see if it works with Handy Macro in terms of updating Status automatically and as well as manually

Could you please support if you know how we can join these two solutions together to minimize the page edits and manual updates?


Use case: 

Part A: Checklist status should automatically be updated 

1) To "Done" status When Checkbox is ticked without page edit. (From Any Status)

2) To "IN PROGRESS" status When Comment column is updated with page edit. (From Any Status)

Part B: Checklist status can manually be updated to "Blocked" status when actual activity is blocked. (Ignore the comments section and let it be blocked, DO NOT move to "IN PROGRESS" even if Comment column is updated)

Note:  Two parts to it

1) Status: They are nothing but only statuses like "TO DO", "IN PROGRESS", "BLOCKED" and "DONE"

2) RAGs: " They are nothing but actual indicators to know if activity requires any help or not/is on Time or Not

"RED" Need immediate help to resolve/ Missed the Due Date/ETA/Going to miss Due Date/ETA 100%

"AMBER" May need help in near time/ May miss the Due Date/ETA 50% 

"Green" Not needed any help and no issues/On track 100%

"BLUE" Complete/Done

So based on Due date we should be able to update the colour of the statuses

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