Bulk updates of user IDs for imported Confluence pages to cloud from private

Robert Douglas
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August 14, 2018

We moved our confluence server from a private hosting to the Atlassian cloud. Upon importing, all the pages show long ID's for those who created and last edited a page. These correspond to the users' former IDs. Is there any way we can map these IDs to the user's new accounts? Or, is there any way I can edit who 'created' a page? I'd like to get the proper information in all these pages, if I can. Currently, I cannot figure out how to do such, even manually.


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Suren Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2018

Hi, Robert.

Based on your question, we assume you encountering the same issue as the below documentation:


As the resolution for this issue will require database modification, please contact Atlassian Cloud Support for assistance.

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