Bulk edit JIRA issue macro to point to a different instance of jira

Deleted user May 14, 2015

We recently migrated both JIRA and Confluence from cloud to server. The confluence JIRA issue macro links are broken, still pointing to the cloud installation of JIRA (which is still running). I attempted to follow the instructions in the relevant guide (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFKB/How+to+bulk+edit+JIRA+Issue+Macro+to+point+to+a+different+JIRA+instance), but after being copied, both the server and cloud JIRA instances have identical application IDs and names. I can change the name of the server by altering the title in JIRA General Configuration, but see no way to alter the JIRA application id. Please advise.

Thank you,


1 answer

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Rodrigo Girardi Adami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2015

Hi Jack,

I believe you can forcefully remove the app links from both apps and recreate them using the correct URL this time using this link.

Then, by editing the page contents withing the database using the SQL below, it should pointing to the new JIRA server URL:

   SET BODY = REPLACE(BODY,'<old_string>','<new_string>');

I hope this helps.



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