Bug while adding empty line of space inside the page content

Conrad June 26, 2019

On the Cloud platform, the added space lines between content on the "Editor Mode" are arbitrarily reflected on the "Published Mode". That is, sometimes the space lines are indeed reflected in the Published Mode and sometimes they are not.

This applies to space lines created with both "Return/Enter" and "Shift + Return/Enter"

As mentioned on a previous tread Impossible to add empty line for space inside the page content, the suggestion proposed by Angelica da Luz does not solve the issue on Confluence. 

The images below show the space lines added in the Editor Mode and the reflected space lines (e.i. not reflected space lines) in the Published Mode.


Please provide a proper solution (not a workaround) to adding space lines that reflect on the Published Mode. 



Editor Mode 1.pngEditor Mode 2.pngPublished Mode 1.1.pngPublished Mode 1.2.pngPublished Mode 2.1.pngPublished Mode 2.2.png

1 answer

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 27, 2019

Hello Conrad,

Welcome to Atlassian Community. It's nice to have you!

I've seen this happen before where there was content added to the pages that might have been copied and pasted in from another page, such as a table or image.

Can you confirm if you built these tables in this page by hand, or were they added from another page? It'll help me to replicate the behavior and help you with a fix.



Conrad June 27, 2019

Hello Shannon,


Thank you for your promptly response!


Good point you bring. If I recall correctly, I created the first table (Tank) by hand on this page. I used then the first table to copy-paste the rest of the tables on the same page. 


Does this answer your question? Please let me know how else can I help towards the resolution of this issue.


Kind regards

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 28, 2019

Hi Conrad,

Yes, thank you! Can you tell me if the lines are not working on the one where you pasted the table, and are working properly on the page you built by hand?


Conrad June 28, 2019

Hello Shannon,


This is not an issue related to tables only. The missing space lines in the published mode happens on ALL environments and situations, yet randomly (to my perception). That is, it also happens after titles, pictures, paragraphs, macros, etc. 

But to answer your question. Yes, in this situation the missing space lines happen on the copied-pasted tables. 

I am, however, not absolutely certain that I created the first table by hand. This is the only table where the space lines are reflected on the published mode. 


Kind regards

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 1, 2019

Hi Conrad,

That's right - it actually doesn't apply specifically to tables, but at any time when content has been pasted into a page in Confluence from another location.

Can you confirm if this does fit your case?



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