Bug when trying to download .sas file attachment

Aileen Ochoa December 13, 2019

A user has uploaded a SAS program .sas to our Confluence page using the Attachments macro. When you try to download the file, however, it gives the following error "{"error":{"code":"NotFoundError","title":"The file with the given id does not have any binary content","href":"https://api.media.atlassian.com#NotFoundError"}}".  However the file is still there and I can download it by opening the right click Windows menu and choosing "save link as".

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 15, 2019

Confluence does not care about file types (unless you have added and configured something that does).

The error message you are getting is saying that you're trying to attach empty files.  My best guess is that your OS sees them as bad files and is not sending them up to Confluence, or seeing them as something it should not download.  have a look at your virus checker setup to start with.

Aileen Ochoa December 16, 2019

Thank you. I can still download the file so I know it was successfully uploaded, it just isn't triggering an automatic download when I click the link. It could be a virus check issue , as you said. 

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