BibTex Referencing, Citing a previous reference.

James Roy December 11, 2024

Hi, hoping someone cam help out here.

I am using the 'BibTeX Referencing’ Macro and ‘BibTeX Display Table’ Macro to generate a bibliography. This is an example of what I would like to achieve:

In my text I would like to cite[1] the same reference more than once[1] but have that reference only appear once in the reference table[2]

1. 2024 Citing References by Joan Smith
2. 2023 Using Reference Table by Joe Blogs

I've done some poking around,

But, I can't find how I should cite the same reference multiple times and only create one reference in in the ‘BibTeX Display Table’ Macro.

I am using the 'BibTeX Referencing’ Macro to create the first reference:

  author       = {Australasian College for Emergency Medicine},
  title        = {Triage},
  year         = {n.d.},
  url          = {},
  note         = {Retrieved December 12, 2024}

Then a second occurrence of the macro with:


This results in an error:



If I simply duplicate the reference macro, the table is repeated:



Thanks for your help, hopefully I"m missing something simple.

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John Funk
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December 11, 2024

Hi James,

It might be faster if you contact the vendor directly with the question. Please post back here with any answer/solution. 

James Roy December 11, 2024

Thank you, I'll follow up.

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