Automation: How to send a notification within Confluence?

Verena Gisler
February 20, 2025

Hi everyone

I am quite new to Confluence and only getting to know all the features. So now I am under checking out the Automation. I would like to create an, in my eyes, easy rule, namely that a specific user gets informed when the status of a page within a certain space has been changed from Draft to Review.

Now I only see the following possibilities for a notification:

Notifications Confluence.png

These notifications are all outside of Confluence. So how can I trigger a notification to be sent within Confluence?

We have this little notification bell on the top right, so I would like to see the notifications there.

Confluence Bell.png

Is there a way to achieve this? Or do we really need to do the workaround by opening the notification in another app and return to Confluence?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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Valerie Knapp
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February 20, 2025

Hi @Verena Gisler , thanks for your post. 

If you comment the person, using a smart value to mentions the user, this should generate a notification


Have you tested this? Do you think it would help you? 

Please have a go and share your results and / or feedback.

Best wishes 

Verena Gisler
February 21, 2025

@Valerie Knapp 
Hi Valerie
Thanks a lot for your quick response.

I have tried your suggestion and added a comment with this explanation.

It works quite well and a comment is added! That is great! BUT I neither get a notification by email nor in the workbox (bell).... So do you know if there is a way to show all comments where I am mentioned?

The goal with this would be to send a notification that I need to review this page before it will be published to our customer help site. A workaround I now made is that in case the page status is changed, the page will receive a new label "to be reviewed" and then I can filter for all pages that have this label and review them.

Have a good day


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