Automatically displaying CSV file from S3 bucket into Confluence Page

aakif shaikh
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May 21, 2021

We have a script that runs every night and throws the CSV file into an S3 bucket. We were wondering if there's a way we can directly consume that CSV file to display on the confluence page. And because the script runs every night- s3 will have a new CSV every day and so the confluence page that displays the data will always be up-to-date.


Please advise us on how we can achieve this or any other approach. Remember my goal is not to show the s3 bucket into the confluence page but instead display the CSV file that's residing in S3.

2 answers

2 votes
Katerina Rudkovskaya [Stiltsoft]
Atlassian Partner
May 21, 2021

Hello @aakif shaikh,

You can try the Table from CSV macro of Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app in this case.

It allows you to output a table from CSV or TSV data source on the Confluence page.



Nikki Leonard
September 21, 2021

I don't know that manually adding the CSV is ideal. It would be good if that could be automated even if its is a download-only option on the confluence page. For example, S3 gets new file in certain folder then adds a download option in confluence. Not sure if this would require some method of SSO for organization/domain level OR password holding external users. 

0 votes
Akshara April 16, 2022

Hi can I know how you are sending CSV files into S3 bucket

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