Automatic add label on Confluence page

Nayia Hadjicosti September 11, 2020



Is there a way to automatically add a label or a tag "Review" when a confluence page is edited and published by all users except specific users? 

Without having to use Comala, because I am interested only in adding the "Review" label based on who is editing the page.

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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September 15, 2020

I'd check if ScriptRunner can do this for you. You should implement a "page edited" listener, check the editor's identity and add the label accordingly.

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Rising Star
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September 12, 2020

@Nayia Hadjicosti 

No, with standard functionality this works in the cloud or in the server version.

Nayia Hadjicosti September 16, 2020

so this can be done without any add on? How?

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March 17, 2022

Can you point to the standard functionality documentation?  Thanks

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