Attachments are missing

SaravanaKumar December 1, 2022

We tried importing a space of 5GB. During migration, the attachments got migrated and the migration failed in the Database exporting stage it said it can't able to roll back the attachments.

When we performed migration for the second time, since the attachments have got migrated already it jumps into the database export stage and migration seems to be successful.

But when we go and check in the cloud space all the attachments are found to be missing.I can't retrieve the attachments that are migrated during the first migration.

What is the workaround for this scenario and what is the load capacity that CCMA can handle, we are now having a huge space of 59GB. Do CCMA is capable of handling data around 59GB?

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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December 1, 2022

Hi @SaravanaKumar 

I wouldn't say that the CCMA couldn't handle such big data. Try to monitor and watch the attachment migration and see if it's all good:

If they are and you can't find the data, then I suggest you open a MOVE ticket to Atlassian:

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