Attachment missing page shows question mark

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March 23, 2023

The version of Confluence is 6.9.3. Our CentOS server was infected by a virus, and we backed up the Confluence home directory and installation directory. After reinitializing the CentOS system and restarting Confluence, we found that the attachments on the Confluence pages could not be opened, turning into question marks. The attachment path configuration in confluence.cfg.xml is correct. We also logged in to the Confluence administration page, navigated to the "Content Index" section, and clicked the "Rebuild Index" button, but the attachments still cannot be used. Please tell me how to restore the attachments. Thank you.Attachment missing.png

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 27, 2023

Hi @会飞的猪  and welcome,

please verify that attachment exists on file system. Confluence has a complex rule to store attachements ( Please follow that guide to retrieve file name to check.

Hope this helps,


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