Atlassian Connect app scopes meaning

yaniv farmad
December 9, 2021

having a third party apps is great, but I'm a bit confused with the permission scopes meaning. I wouldn't want to grant access for more data than is needed to the app. for example, I wouldn't want the app (or it's developers) to have access to the IP in the conf site.

for example, what's "Read data from the host application" mean? what kind of data is shared, where is it stored, and who can access it?

if I have a Conf site with pages with valuable information (e.g., the bitcoin prices tomorrow), if I'll add an app with permission to "Read data from the host application", will my valuable information will be shared with someone?


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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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December 9, 2021

If an app has READ scope, it can in principle read (get, copy) all the information in your Confluence instance.

However you can restrict access for an app if you know the app user (i.e. the Confluence "user name" of the app).

Before installing an app, you can check their privacy policy and decide if you trust them.

yaniv farmad
December 12, 2021

thanx for the answer

but i don't get it, Confluence exists to hold the most valuable information any company has. who will want to allow any third party to get access to that data? who will take the risk?

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