After checking the Genesis Wiki there's no mention of adding CUSTOM GRADES to Profile dropdown menus

Christopher Morley
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November 20, 2018

In Genesis, I Edited the Grade Translations to create CUSTOM Grades which were successfully added to my profile.  However, on the setup screen (or the actually grading screen) the CUSTOM grade type is not presented on the dropdown menus as a Default Grade Type.  There is no way to choose the CUSTOM grades I created.

Is this something an administrator has to do (create a custom profile for me, for example).  It's not at all clear from the Wiki what the procedure is.




Chris Morley

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Christopher Morley
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November 25, 2018

Thank you.  Sorry for the misdirect.  I was sent to this site by the Genesis FAQs.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 20, 2018

Actually, we don't know.  None of what you've just described is standard Confluence functionality, so you'll need to explain the App or customisation that has been installed in order to do all of this. 

We're end-users of Atlassian stuff, we don't know your particular system!

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