Adding an addon user account (ie to System User account) to an site-admin group

Evangelos Mantadakis September 1, 2018

Is this possible ?

2 answers

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Tobias Anstett _K15t_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 3, 2018


No this can't be done and should not be done.

If a app wants to act as admin it has to declare the ADMIN scope as described in 

However most actions you want to execute as site-admin are not available / exposed in the public API.

Best, Tobias

Evangelos Mantadakis September 3, 2018

Thanks Tobias ! Very helpful advice !

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Suren Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 2, 2018

Hi, Evangelos.

I'm afraid it's not possible to add addon user account to site-admin group.



Kind Regard

Suren Raj

Evangelos Mantadakis September 3, 2018

thanks Raj !

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