Adding Custom Emojis is Slow / Buggy!

James Cooper March 2, 2023

Hi Community,

I am trying to add Custom Emojis to Page Titles and am getting increasingly frustrated!

The images I am using are all .PNG with a max size of 23KB.

There seems to be a delay between the image being accepted by Confluence, to it being displayed in the Page Title.

The screenshot below shows Confluence accepting the new emoji:

Confluence Bug 1.png


After clicking the blue "Add emoji" button, the name I gave to the image appears:

Confluence Bug 2.png


I click out of the emoji menu and the title does not have the desired emoji in it:

Confluence Bug 3.png

I go back into the "add emoji" dialog and the image I upload is not available.

I publish the page and still no emoji :,-(


Confluence Bug 4.png


Then, a few minutes later the image I uploaded appears in the "add emoji" dialog.


Can anyone help with this please?


Best wishes,




2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 23, 2023

Hi @James Cooper,


I have tried the steps to create an emoji and then add it to the page, but it happened instantly for me.

That said, if you try on another browser/do a hard refresh after its creation, would the emoji appear for you?

If not, I may ask you to ask your site-admin to create a ticket on your behalf at and add you as a request participant, so we can check further on why this is happening specifically for your site.


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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 4, 2023

@James Cooper I think this would be best to ask Atlassian about.  I am not sure how their application converts, processes, etc. custom emojis.  That might be why there is a delay.  It could also just be a browser issue potentially.   I escalated this to see if they can provide some insight.

James Cooper March 6, 2023

Thank you @Brant Schroeder , look forward to hearing from them.

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