AD Syncronization hanging over 24 hours

Andrew Sternick September 5, 2012

My AD sync has been hanging for 93000+ seconds:

Test Synchronising for 93,603s…

Last synchronised at 9/4/12 12:44 PM (took 860s).

Performing full synchronisation

In the logs, at the rough time this started, things look like so:

2012-09-04 12:43:59,477 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 7 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 406ms

2012-09-04 12:43:59,633 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 0 remote user-group memberships, 2 remote group-group memberships in 141ms

2012-09-04 12:44:04,672 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 101 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 5039ms

2012-09-04 12:44:04,890 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 2 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 203ms

2012-09-04 12:44:05,374 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 8 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 468ms

2012-09-04 12:44:05,732 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 6 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 358ms

2012-09-04 12:44:05,842 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 1 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 110ms

2012-09-04 12:44:05,951 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 1 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 109ms

2012-09-04 12:44:06,294 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 6 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 343ms

2012-09-04 12:44:06,403 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 1 remote user-group memberships, 0 remote group-group memberships in 93ms

2012-09-04 12:44:06,512 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships found 0 remote user-group memberships, 1 remote group-group memberships in 109ms

2012-09-04 12:44:06,512 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher synchroniseMemberships Migrated memberships for 1270 of 1270 groups

2012-09-04 12:44:06,512 INFO scheduler_Worker-9 synchroniseCache FULL synchronisation complete in 860174ms

2012-09-04 12:44:07,870 ERROR http-80-21 com.benryan.components.DefaultOcSettingsManager <init> No directory specified in the properties file.

-- url: /admin/worddav/adminword.action | userName: Andrew.Ster | referer: | action: adminword

2012-09-04 12:44:49,428 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8575 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 12:46:13,794 WARN http-80-20 confluence.pages.actions.GetPagePermissionsAction execute User with name 'Chris.C' not found, but page permissions still exist on: page: Operations Home v.26 (16842871)

-- space: 17104897 | url: /pages/getpagepermissions.action | page: 16842871 | userName: Russ.Fink | referer: | action: getpagepermissions

2012-09-04 12:46:49,143 WARN http-80-28 opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher getMaxSize Unable to format 'webwork.multipart.maxSize' property setting. Defaulting to Integer.MAX_VALUE

-- url: /pages/attachfile.action | userName: David.Murphy | referer:

2012-09-04 12:49:46,345 INFO scheduler_Worker-3 synchroniseCache synchronisation for directory 65539 starting

2012-09-04 12:49:49,434 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8580 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 12:49:49,902 INFO pool-1612-thread-2 directory.ldap.cache.UsnChangedCacheRefresher call found 1270 remote groups in 3557ms

2012-09-04 12:49:50,822 INFO pool-1612-thread-1 directory.ldap.cache.UsnChangedCacheRefresher call found 1200 remote users in 4477ms

2012-09-04 12:54:33,792 WARN http-80-2 confluence.pages.actions.GetPagePermissionsAction execute User with name 'Chris.C' not found, but page permissions still exist on: page: Operations Home v.26 (16842871)

-- space: 17104897 | url: /pages/getpagepermissions.action | page: 16842871 | userName: Russ.F | referer: | action: getpagepermissions

2012-09-04 12:54:49,424 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8584 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

-- url: /plugins/servlet/streams | userName: Russ.F | referer:

2012-09-04 12:59:20,117 WARN http-80-20 userprofile.synchronization.model.UppLdapUserService synchronizeUserDataWithAD There are wrong/empty attributes configured: postalCode,st

2012-09-04 12:59:49,429 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8586 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 13:04:49,419 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8588 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 13:09:50,376 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8590 atlassian.streams.internal.ActivityProviderConnectionMonitorImpl$ActivityMonitorJob call Could not reach provider Innovation Interactive; it will be omitted from the stream. The connection will be retried in 5 minutes

-- url: /plugins/servlet/streams | userName: Russ.F| referer:

2012-09-04 13:14:49,415 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8592 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 13:19:49,408 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8593 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

2012-09-04 13:24:49,417 WARN StreamsCompletionService::thread-8595 atlassian.streams.internal.AppLinksActivityProvider handle Unable to retrieve filter options from /rest/activity-stream/1.0/config?local=true

-- url: /plugins/servlet/streams | userName: Russ.Fink | referer:

2012-09-04 13:26:37,812 WARN http-80-2 userprofile.synchronization.model.UppLdapUserService synchronizeUserDataWithAD There are wrong/empty attributes configured: telephoneNumber

3 answers

0 votes
Andrew Sternick April 21, 2013

I found restarting services resolves this. I am not a fan of this solution but it works.

0 votes
Bruna Griebeler
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 27, 2013

Since your are using Confluence, if you are having problems using Connector to access the LDAP side, I also recommend - as a workaround - to try using delegated instead.

This will make each user to be imported to confluence on the first login.

Hope it helps!

0 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 5, 2012

This will probably require some debugging work, best done with our support team. Please contact our support team via our Support Portal. If you have never used our support services before, you'll have to sign up. Let us know the resolution here, if you decide to go that route.

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