A space with key X already exists error

Arkin Hamidin
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May 13, 2024

Hi Guys, 

We are on the free version and cannot get direct support.

I'm getting a 'space with key <keyname> already exists error'. this is happening despite the space in question does not show up anywhere on confluence. I can also confirm that the space does not show under trashed space or archived space. 

I want to re-import the space but can't proceed because of the error. 
I waited more than 24 hours for the system to clear up just in case and still the error persists. I tried everything suggested in the community discussions and suggestions to no avail.  The reason of re-import is previous attempt failed for some reason and thought I can simply re-import it. 
Thanks in advance for your help. 

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Barbara Szczesniak
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May 13, 2024

@Arkin Hamidin Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Are you importing a Server space to a Cloud instance? If so, you might want to refer to this recent question and responses to see if it helps you resolve the issue: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/error-from-quot-importing-a-space-quot-content-from-a-confluence/qaq-p/2592222 

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