Workaround to import Word documents and split by heading

Hi everyone, 

I have to import a huge amount of super long Word document and I have been very very depressed when Confluence deleted the split by headings function...

Then I'd like to share the workaround I am using to import my documents and still split them by heading. Honestly it is taking much longer than when we had the functionality but it is still more convenient than to do it by hand.. 


Sorry my Word is in French :/ 

1. In your Word document, choose "Display" and then "Plan"

2023-09-12 14_55_14-COM_Integration - Word.png

2. Select the level of heading you want to use to split your document. Here I just what to use the main headings to create 2 different documents

2023-09-12 14_56_46-COM_Integration - Word.png

3. Your main titles are displayed. Select them

2023-09-12 14_57_12-COM_Integration - Word.png

4. Click on those 2 buttons

2023-09-12 14_57_24-COM_Integration - Word.png

5. Then simply save your doc. You will see that some new documents have appeared in the same file than your doc: those documents are the part of this doc that have been split by heading. 

6. Last step is obviously to import your new docs into Confluence !


=> the result is  almost the same than with the split by headings import functionality, exept that it takes much longer... But if you have to import a lot of Word documents, there are not a lot of other solutions, or at least I don't know them...


Please feel free to comment on this workaround: have you found others ? How do you deal with your imports ? :)


Andy Gladstone
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September 12, 2023

@Fanny Tastet this is a brilliant work around and very clear tutorial. I will be testing it (using my English language Office365) and let you know if I run into any issue.

Thanks for sharing!

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Michael LOIRET
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November 17, 2023

Thank you very much @Fanny Tastet. As a new member of Confluence Community, I'm surprised that split feature is removed. Your workaround works well. An example in French is more than I expected ;-)

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