Confluence Color Scheme

Thomas Firnschrott May 29, 2019


On applying our businesses red-white-gray-black color-scheme I wondered why in new confluence versions there are so many blueish things left.

There are buttons, even headlines, icons, ...

Actually it's quite basic things:
For example the "edit" button or the icons around in the left bar.

So many things that can only be adressed by CSS ?!
Shouldn't that color scheme be more universal?

In 6.2 most off those things were gray to fit most color-schemes but the dark blue color now in 6.15 and even the lighter blues like "onclick" seem quite annoying to me.

Am I the only one - or does this bother others, too?
Yet, is it a bug?

Regards, Thomas

2 answers

1 vote
Thomas Firnschrott May 29, 2019

A Screenshot:


0 votes
Thomas Firnschrott May 29, 2019

My color scheme


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