You can now create a template in full-width

Hi Atlassian Community,

My name is Sekajipo Taplah, and I’m a Product Manager on the Confluence Cloud team.

If you’re a site or space admin, who often creates your own custom Confluence templates, you’ve likely experienced the inability to create templates in full width.

Full-width is a common practice on Confluence pages, with 5% of non-template pages being created in the full-width mode. Based on customer feedback, we know that the need for full-width is even greater for users creating templates. Additionally, migrated customers and legacy editor users are used to having this capability in the legacy editor. That’s why we’re happy to let you know that full-width mode is now available in the template editor.


Full width is particularly useful when you have a large table or visual that you want to display. Previously, this information could only be condensed on a normal page. Now you can expand a page and have that information fully visible on a template.

Want a refresher on how to create a template? Check out these step-by-step instructions.

This update is currently rolling out so if you don’t see it in your Confluence instance today, you will soon.

Tell us what you think! Please drop any comments or questions below 👇 and stay tuned for more template improvements.


Jawann Swislow
June 27, 2022

Love it, thanks!

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G subramanyam
Community Leader
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June 28, 2022

Hi @Sekajipo Taplah thank you for the update. Any feature related to the Confluence tables and templates will be a good news.

And hoping to see more improvements and features in the coming days/ weeks.

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Jason Armistead June 28, 2022

The step-by-step instructions were also updated to show people how to create the template in full width.

Otherwise this remains a "hidden feature"

Jason Armistead June 28, 2022

Is there a way to update the width of pages created with the template BEFORE it was updated to support full-width mode?

I have dozens of pages that could really benefit from being made full-width, but having to go back through them one-by-one to update them is going to be a very slow process.

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Dave Coop
July 5, 2022

Thanks for the update, @Sekajipo Taplahand glad to see Atlassian are listening to their customers. This is very helpful.

While I echo Jason's question below, on top of that I'd like to understand why full-width isn't the default option like it was in Server, instead of the current slim version? I would think users would prefer to not have 50% of their page wasted with white space, resulting in increasing the need to have to scroll down.  Very few users would instinctively know they have to hit the arrows icon to expand the page. Just food for thought and at least give the admin the option to default full-width pages for their site.  

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Robert Klohr
July 27, 2022

@Sekajipo TaplahHow long should this take to roll out? While our sandbox instance of Confluence got the change within a few days, it's been exactly one month since this announcement and our production Confluence instance still does not have this capability. At what point do I open a ticket?

Sekajipo Taplah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2022

@Robert Klohr by the 17th of August 

Jesenko Bajovic September 12, 2022

Could you make the full width the default state

  • in the default freshly instantiated Confluence 
  • already instantiated Confluence to be modified by an admin?

I don't understand who likes extra white space lost on both sides of each page. Perhaps just a few users, therefore, let them change the width from full width


Please do tell me when the switch to the full width can be achieved in the cloud Confluence isntances.

It would be nice to have it as a feature under a space "look and feel -  Page layout" or, even better, a global setting for all spaces.


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