CQL or Confluence Query Language is a powerful search language. It is a secret trick that only advanced Confluence users will know.
Unlike its famous sibling JQL which is used in Jira advanced searching, CQL is not as well known and not well documented.
Here are some useful CQLs that you can use to search what exactly you need.
How to find a page by title within a specified space
space = SPACEKEY AND title ~ "meeting minutes"
This one helps to filter out a lot of noise especially when a lot of other pages also contains the same keyword
How to find an attachment by name
space = SPACEKEY AND type = Attachment AND title ~ "screenshot"
How to find a pdf attachment which the content contains a keyword (Confluence)
type = attachment AND title ~ "pdf" AND text ~ "confluence"
How to find a page containing a Confluence macro (e.g. CQL Navigation Macro)
type = Page AND macro = cqlnavigation
How to find a blog post that was created within the last month
space = SPACEKEY AND type = blogpost AND created > startOfMonth("-1M") AND created < startOfMonth()
How to find the comments you wrote over the past 1 week sorted by date posted
type = comment AND creator = currentUser() AND created > startOfDay("-1w") order by created desc
You can execute the CQL search by pasting it in the browser address bar in the format
https://<confluence-base-url>/dosearchsite.action?cql=<CQL in the example below>.
Alternatively, it is possible to encode the CQL inside macros by Confluence apps such as Canned Search for Confluence so that users can use them directly without having to memorise the CQL syntax.
You can also find the guide to advance searching with CQL here.
If you have any useful CQL statements to share, you are welcome to add on the list.
Hua Soon SIM _Akeles_