Confluence administrators can copy page trees using a built-in script, but that script can do more than just copy the pages as-is. The blank at the end for transforming the title can actually do much more to enhance the new pages.
For example, suppose you wanted to replace all occurrences of the term PLACEHOLDER in a page with a replacement term.
import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.AbstractPage titleTransform = { AbstractPage p -> p.title = "Copy of " + p.title //Straightforward string replacements will work p.bodyAsString = p.bodyAsString.replaceAll('PLACEHOLDER', 'REPLACEMENT') }
But we can affect more than just the plain text of the page. For example, suppose that you wanted to change user mentions to point from one user to another in the new copy.
import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.AbstractPage import com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserManager import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.ScriptRunnerImpl def userManager = ScriptRunnerImpl.scriptRunner.getBean(UserManager) def placeholderuser = userManager.getUserProfile('placeholderuser') def beatrice = userManager.getUserProfile('beatrice') titleTransform = { AbstractPage p -> p.title = "${beatrice.fullName}'s Copy of " + p.title p.bodyAsString = p.bodyAsString.replaceAll(placeholderuser.userKey.toString(), beatrice.userKey.toString()) }
Of course, with great power comes great complexity. If the placeholder you use is simple enough, it may show up in one of the subpages in a context that you don't want to replace. Be mindful of that if you're building out a scaffolding of pages as template.
Depending on what you want to find & replace, it may be helpful to look at the storage format of the Confluence page.
Jonny Carter
Engineering Team Lead
Springfield, MO
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