The Wikipedia Game & an Essential Confluence Shortcut

One of Atlassian's awesome Community Managers, @Bridget, challenged the Authors page with sharing our favorite Confluence shortcuts, and one immediately popped into my head.

But first, the Wikipedia Game. It's related, I promise!

Image you're in sixth grade and you're so bored in class. You've got a laptop, but your school did the uncool thing and blocked every. single. game. You start clicking around on Wikipedia, down a rabbit hole about toothbrushes and somehow ending up at a page on lunar orbits. Wait... how did that happen? That was... weird. Good weird.

The resulting game is simple. Any number of players agrees on a starting point and ending point. The more random and seemingly unrelated, the better. Then, there are two ways to win: who can get from the start to the end the fastest, or whoever can get there in the least number of clicks.

(If you're curious, it took me 14 clicks to get from lunar orbits to toothbrushes, and I took a route through some religious history somehow along the way. Please let me know if you found a faster way!)

This may sound extremely dull, but we were extremely bored. And truly, I've grown to love the Wikipedia Game we created. It shows all the unexpected connections and links you'll find in the world. 

So, any guesses to my favorite Confluence shortcut?

It's a good old Command + K. Adding links has been one of the most helpful ways to keep myself organized as I've learned the ropes of Confluence for the past few months. Plus, a bit of a brag on my favorite Confluence app, I can add links in my Gliffy Diagrams too!

I mind-mapped some content ideas, and when I finish a blog post, I link it to the corresponding node so that I've got a living, breathing content map.

I Command + K my sources while I'm drafting something. I Command + K other Confluence pages. I Command + K silly videos. If I don't want to forget it, you bet I've linked it.

It's such a small thing, but if I can save my teammates a little extra time tracking down that one cool article or finding the page I need them to approve, I'm happy to do it. I love working in a collaborative environment and feeling like I'm part of something bigger. I love being a resource for others. And I love the Wikipedia Game. It's all connected, right? :)

Share your favorite Confluence shortcuts to get in on this month's theme or throw down a gauntlet for the Wikipedia game in the comments!


Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 21, 2020

Myself, I'm a big fan of toggling the sidebar open/closed with [

Salman Ahmad March 21, 2022

Thank you so much for such an amazing information. This inspired me a lot. 


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