Team Calendars is the latest addition to Confluence Cloud Premium

Hey everybody! Today we added a new feature to Confluence Cloud Premium – Team Calendars. Once upon a time, Team Calendars was a popular add-on in the Atlassian Marketplace. We made it a Premium feature to provide the best experience to customers managing content at scale and to help their teams stay efficient.

Team Calendars lets teams add calendars to their spaces so they can share schedules, communicate availability, and track projects in Jira Software easily. Team Calendars also has an enhanced look and feel and will soon have CalDAV server support for third-party app integration, so teams can share and update popular third-party apps like Microsoft Outlook, Apple Calendar for iOS and Mac OS, Google Calendar, and more.

Here’s an example of the cross-team visibility Team Calendars provides (with three calendars and different event types):

  • Holidays where team members can enter leave

  • Defender team events

  • Confluence team events, travel birthdays, and releases

TC 1.png

When people create events in Team Calendars, they can use existing event types or create their own. Teams can even use JQL to add events by Jira issues!

TC 2.png

Team Calendars also includes four views: month, week, list, and timeline which provides a Gannt chart view for easy roadmapping and project planning.

TC 3.pngTC 4.png

Team Calendars restrictions can also be configured by space admins so that particular team members may edit or view.

We’re looking forward to hearing how you use this feature and if it helps your teams stay efficient and in the know.

Release tracks is another new feature in Premium and there are many more coming soon including sandbox, external collaboration, and automation. Check out the Confluence Cloud Premium roadmap to learn more.


Ilia Tsvetkov February 11, 2021

WHY isn't it available in the Standard version? We are a small team of about 15 members, it doesn't make sense for us to upgrade to Premium. Very much disappointed with Atlassian policy.

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Jeanne Howe February 16, 2021

So, once again Atlassian is removing functionality from their "standard" tier and only offering it in their "premium" tier.

This is functionality that has been available at the "standard" tier from day-one.

By removing functionality from the "standard" tier Atlassian is forcing a price increase on their customers and calling it an "upgrade" of functionality.

Let's be honest here, there is nothing in their "premium" offerings that hasn't been in their backlog for the "standard" tier for years.

There is nothing in their "premium" offering that isn't a "standard" feature that every other tool already provides.

They are finally rolling out these features and instead of saying "thanks for all your patience" they are saying "screw you, if you want it, you have to pay even more."

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Chris Davies February 17, 2021

Same process they did with JSM.

We have JIRA Software, JIRA Confluence, JIRA SD and JIRA OpsGenie.

Makes sense to have SD and OpsGenie under the same umbrella, but surprise surprise some features we're using in OpsGenie aren't available in standard JSM without increasing to a higher tier and increasing overall cost so we have no choice but to keep them separate.

There should be discounts for multiple product adoption and consolidation, not price increases. Easy for customers, less instances for JIRA to host.

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Massis Shahmirian February 21, 2021

@hilarydub Curious, do you have a time frame for CalDAV server support for third-party app integration? A month, 3 months, 6 months?

Dan Mannisto
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September 21, 2021

@hilarydub Has the CalDAV support for Team Calendars been added yet?


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