Public links not working in public spaces? (Correction and new discovery)

The public links WILL work in anonymous spaces... providing the page does not contain elements from other spaces/pages that are not publicly accessible.

In my case outlined below, my page features an element synced from another space which is not public. To be more specific, a text background color created in Karma.

So while the Karma background appears in the public space and displays properly when viewed via Public Space, the public link's permissions do not extent as far.

Which is still interesting :) 

The original text is here:

So it seems that

  • if you have a public space (anonymous access) and you create a public link...
  • ...the public link's not working

Regular URL from a public space:

Public link:

There seems to be a bit confusion among users who either do both (I answered two questions about this so far this week), or they create public links for all pages in the space and worry/complain why they don't see a tree and/or why links don't work.


  • if a user tries to create a public link in a public space, display popup that it's not necessary and ask them to share the regular link
  • if a user enables anonymous access in a space with public links, tell them there are public links in the space which will not work

A working public link even in a public space would not be bad but I can't help but think it's a tad redundant...



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