Hi Atlassian Community!
I'm Shivani Gakkani, a Product Manager on the Confluence Cloud team!
We've previously only supported viewable public whiteboards, where public visitors can view content / changes made by internal logged-in users - but public visitors could never actively collaborate.
Now, we are thrilled to announce that public whiteboards are not just viewable by visitors anymore... they are now also EDITABLE! This is a huge step when it comes to lowering the barrier to enable easy, real-time collaboration.
Note: Public whiteboards are only accessible to Premium & Enterprise customers.
Whiteboards are meant to be collaborative!
Whiteboards are intuitively a collaborative tool, where users inside and outside your organization can brainstorm & visually build ideas together. Having the ability to 'edit' these public whiteboards is an essential part of teamwork collaboration - hence, this was the natural next step for public whiteboards!
How do Editable Public Whiteboards work?
End users can decide whether the public whiteboard should be viewable or editable directly from the share dialog. Once visitors are present on the whiteboard, you'll be able to see their avatars at the top right.
Note: When a public link for a whiteboard is turned on, the default is set to "Allow anyone to edit." Users can toggle this off in the share dialog for the public whiteboard to be view-access only for public visitors.
All edits and activities on the whiteboard are displayed in real-time, keeping both internal users & public visitors up-to-date.
Visitors can perform essential whiteboard actions - such as adding, editing, and deleting stickies, shapes, text, and lines. They can also use tools like stamps and sections, and view timers and voting sessions. However, some features are not accessible to public visitors (e.g. smart sections, creating Jira issues, naming the whiteboard, etc). Check out a public whiteboard (or this support article) to see what public visitors can & cannot do!
Information for admins
Admins can continue to manage public whiteboards in product-level and space-level admin panels. Admins will continue to receive notifications and audit log events about public whiteboards.
Note: There is no distinction between viewable or public whiteboards in these public link controls.
We are super excited for you to try out Editable Public Whiteboards - let us know what you think! Thanks!
Shivani Gakkani