Hey all! I’m Frank, a Product Manager on the Confluence Cloud team. I’m here to share some impactful changes we’ve made around our PDF export capabilities.
We’ve heard your feedback around common issues with generating PDFs, and spent the last couple of months tackling them. To get a sense of what’s changed, here are just some of the fixes we made:
Using layouts now no longer causes truncation on the sides of the page!
Info/Note/Warning/Error/Success Panels now have the correct styling!
Status macros are now the correct width & style!
Images within tables no longer expand in size and squish other columns!
The icon in the Decision macro is now the correct size!
And the list goes on:
Icons within the Jira Macro are now able to be exported 🖼
Non-custom emojis are now able to be exported 🙂
Links are now blue instead of black 🔗
Table headers now export as the correct color
Bullet points within layouts no longer bleed between columns 📝
and much more!
Thank you to everyone who has been commenting & voting on tickets - it really helps us understand which issues to prioritize. We’ve got more improvements in the works, but by resolving these problems first, we hope your PDFs are in a much more usable state!
Frank Wang