Make your Confluence documentation visual with user story maps

If you ever need to dig up something in your project documentation and you find yourself lost in pages that just look the same and seem endless, our tip will be a quick win for you.

It’s not about being pretty

There are two kinds of people when it comes to project documentations: 

  • the ones who just want to get it done so they end up with boring-looking pages,
  • and people who spend an amount of time on making it look pretty that is very hard to justify.

Who is right in this case?

Probably both types of people.

It may take considerable effort to find the information you’re looking for if your docs are rather aesthetically dull, dare we say. In contrast, why put a lot of effort into something that gets outdated as the project progresses.

Jira roadmap and macros can help you do just that but we have a tip for you to take that a step further.

Pulling in content from applications that have an integration with Jira can help you embed visuals that

  • stay up-to-date thanks to continuous sync,
  • make the content much more intuitive and easy-to-understand.



Embed story maps into Confluence documents

If you’re a StoriesOnBoard user, you can include the story map right where the conversation happens that gets updated constantly. This way you’ll now know instantly how much progress has been made since the last update.

Why include story maps in your project documentation?

  • Visual tools, especially story maps support shared understanding among team members.
  • You can motivate other colleagues to get involved in the story mapping process.
  • Team members can contribute in a few clicks without having to complete lengthy sign up processes.
  • You can update the backlog right where you get valuable inputs from your team.


Include story maps or story cards for a narrower focus

For a higher level overview, embed the entire story map into your documentation. This way you can keep track of progress made on the project.

For a narrower focus, include only individual story cards where you can view the description, attachments.

If you'd like to try embedding your own story maps in your Confluence documents, you can sign up here and start a 14-day free trial.

1 comment

G subramanyam
Community Leader
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April 15, 2021

That's pretty cool Confluence stuff dear @Mercedesz Nemes . Thank you for sharing the steps and for this post.

Like Mercedesz Nemes likes this


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