😍 Improvements to Confluence Automation Templates

πŸ‘‹ Community! Avinoam from Confluence Automation here again πŸ˜€ 

Today I wanted to provide a quick update on some of the improvements we've rolled out to Automation templates in Confluence in particular but also to Automation templates as a whole across all Atlassian products! 

What we've done: New Categories and Template Cards Redesign

  • In Confluence Automation you'll now see instead of 2 categories, 4 categories:
    1. Organize
    2. Cross-Product
    3. Collaborate
    4. Notify
  • Across all products providing automation in Atlassian you'll see a refreshed design for the template cards:
    • Smaller card sizes, to improve overall templates information density
    • New icon styles, which mirror the actual and main icons from the rule builder itself to make it clearer what the rule will does

Overall, it now looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 1.12.15β€―PM.png


What's coming soon: Search & Filters

Coming later this quarter, we'll be adding search and filters for better overall management and discoverability of automation templates across all Atlassian.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 1.14.21β€―PM.png


We want to hear from you!

We’d love your feedback so please feel free to schedule time with us directly here or drop a comment on this post :pray:


Dan Tombs
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January 22, 2024

Great work team! Having the search functionality will certainly come in handy as you continue to grow the number of templates you have. I think the new categories you have are great.

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Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
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January 23, 2024

Does the Confluence Automation team ever sleep? lol
Seems like you're rolling out something new each day πŸ˜„ Great work btw!

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G subramanyam
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January 25, 2024

Thank you @Avinoam have gone through the new UI and it looks super clean and eye catching. Adding the search functionality will be an icing on the cake for sure.


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