How to alternate color rows in Confluence tables

Tables are nice to organize and present your data in Confluence documents. But when a table gets too big it becomes increasingly difficult to read and suddenly your Confluence page can look pretty bland.

Who hasn't come across a table that look somewhat like this?



We all know the design of a page influences how much it is consulted and used. And that last poor table doesn't seem to want your team to work on it.

Here are a few simple steps to improve it using the alternating color feature of Elements Spreadsheet:

The app allows you to create dynamic tables in Confluence pages with formulas, filters, drop-down lists and embedded Excel core functionalities.

1. Go to the editor mode of your Spreadsheet table and look at the toolbar on top.

2. To the far right of this bar is a color drop-down - click it and select a color, let's say.. green!


3. Your table cells background color should now alternate between rows, and look like this:


Much better right? (smile)

The Elements Spreadsheet alternating color feature:

  • Keeps other table formatting like heading rows.
  • Fully embraces the Confluence native tables look & feel.
  • Can be remove in a simple click.

Your Confluence page suddenly looks much more enjoyable to read!


If you have any issue or feedback, don't hesitate to use the feedback button directly in-app at the bottom right of the screen.

Your message goes right to our software team!


If you want to see what else you can do with Elements Spreadsheet, be sure to check out our documentation.

Interested in trying the app? Find more app details on the Marketplace.

1 comment

G subramanyam
Community Leader
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August 26, 2021

Hi @Eliott Audry _Elements_ the confluence table looks pretty clean even with too many columns. Nice one.

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