Error pages got a glow up

Errors suck!!! But if you’re going to get an error, shouldn’t the message bring at least a little cheer? The Confluence error pages of the past were dreary and grey. So we embarked on a two-week journey to create a better error page experience…Code Name: Fail Whale 🐳 .

So let’s take a look at these new error pages!

A 404 error “Page Not Found” now features explorers looking for the missing page. The button leads you back home so you can quickly get back to work. And for an added bonus, the page is now responsive so the explorers can sail away on a mobile phone.

Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 11.48.15 AM.png

We then tackled the 403 error “Restricted Access”.

Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 11.48.28 AM.png

Our final change was to the “Something went wrong” error content, pictured below.

Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 11.48.45 AM.png

We know these changes are small and honestly, we hope you NEVER have to see them! But if you do, know the team put a little extra TLC (tender love and care) into them to hopefully brighten your day!

1 comment

Ramesh Vadlamani July 25, 2023


We are on the latest version of confluence (Server Edition). Can you please share how to configure these pages. We see the standard 404 and 403 pages, but not the new ones.

We also wanted to add custom content to 403 page specific to a space.. something like " contact xyz group for further information.. etc".  

I know this will end up in customizing multiple 403 pages but that's a requirement for us, please let  me know if it's possible.





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