Embed your InVision designs on Confluence and Jira

Attention all designers! We have a cool new feature we think you will love – Invision Smart Links. With Smart Links, you can embed your Invision designs on a Confluence page or Jira issue

To add an Invision Smart Link, just paste the URL link on a Confluence page or type “/link” to insert. Once pasted, you can view the file as a small “inline” link which quickly tells you the source fo the link is an Invision file and it is named “Now News for Tablet”, in this example.

Smart Link Inline Invision.png

You can toggle to a more impactful “card” view where you can see more information about that Invision design like a thumbnail preview of it and the date it was created and last updated.

Smart Link Card Invision.png

Want to go all-in? Easy. Fully embed your Invision designs on a Confluence page or Jira ticket. That means no more tab switching to view your PRDs and then view your designs. You can put them all in one spot.

Smart Link Embed Invision.png

Don’t use Invision but curious what other tools you can create a Smart Link for? See all Smart LInk options here. We’re not stopping here, so keep an eye out for more embedding options with Smart Links!

1 comment

Anna Odrynska - Alpha Serve
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October 21, 2021

Thanks!  And FYI - for those working on designs in Canva, there's also a ready solution with add-ons Canva for Jira and Canva for Confluence


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