Embed or preview Miro boards on Confluence and Jira

Don’t want to stop the creative juices from flowing? No problem! Link to, preview, or embed your Miro boards directly on your Confluence pages and Jira tickets. Read more about Smart Links.

Embed your Miro boards directly on Confluence and Jira

To add a Miro Smart Link, simply paste the URL link on a Confluence page or type “/link” to insert. Once pasted, you can view the file as a small “inline” link which quickly tells you the link is for a Miro board named “HEART framework”, in this example.

Smart Link Inline Miro.png

You can toggle your inline view to a more impactful “card” view where you can see more information about that Miro board like a thumbnail preview of it and the time it was last updated.

Smart Link Card Miro.png

Still not enough for you? Alright, try an embed! That’s right a fully embedded mind-map directly on your page!

Smart Link Embed Miro.png

View your design assets side-by-side to your technical documentation, all on one page! We’re not stopping there, more Smart Links are coming at you!


tuxiaolin2367 November 24, 2020

Hi, want to ask, can this function be applied to data center confluence?

Capi [resolution]
Atlassian Partner
February 18, 2021

We love the smart link function! It's helpful even for less stunning previews, like having the title of a word document in 365 or a google doc.

Romina Uceda
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March 7, 2021


Max Sudik
April 10, 2021

doesnt work

gg wp

Screen Shot 2021-04-10 at 6.47.53 PM.png

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Salah Sheikh
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April 29, 2021

Also doestens work

Like Chris Purser likes this
May 17, 2021

Is this only for Jira cloud? Does it work for Server and Data Center instances?

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aleksi-p November 24, 2021

Maybe you need to install the Miro Addon

Like Oleg Sabitov likes this
Johannes Blersch
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February 3, 2022

Also doesn't work. Shall this work out of the box or is there any further plug-in or add on needed?

Capi [resolution]
Atlassian Partner
February 4, 2022

Hi @Johannes Blersch are you on Confluence Cloud or Data Center?

For Confluence Cloud, many customers are going with our app Miro Whiteboard for Confluence.  In comparison to other options, it is much more usable, as it doesn't limit edit rights to premium accounts as the native app by Miro does.

As said, please note that I work for resolution, the manufacturer of this product, and there may be other options as well.

Johannes Blersch
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February 7, 2022

Hi @Capi [resolution] ,

no we are using "On Premise" and will move to "Data Center" throughout the year.

Jam Shaheen
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January 24, 2023

Does anyone know what goes wrong when a connected Miro board in a Jira issue does not show its thumbnail (blank grey square instead)?

Integration fully works but
- as smart link 100% WITH thumbnail
- in the simple extra ticket section fully functional except NO thumbnail


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