đź“Ł Early Access: Live-Edit Pages! Create and edit without the need to Publish!


Max Foerster - K15t
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May 29, 2024

Hey everyone,

Max from K15t here. :) First of all, thanks to @Kristian Klima for your research efforts and for sharing it with the community! 

Our product teams are aware of the changes and new challenges that live-edit pages introduce in Confluence, and we are working on improving the user experience as much as possible. 

Although we are optimistic about the live-edit pages, they entail many changes in different areas of Confluence, which will certainly be smoothed out during the EAP with the help of all users, the community, and partners.

Therefore, we do not currently recommend the use of live-edit pages for users with content management use cases if it is essential to you that content is published stably and reliably.

Thanks to everyone who shares their feedback with the community and the Atlassian team. 🙂

Best, Max

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Kristian Klima
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May 29, 2024

Yeah, I agree with @Max Foerster - K15t and his recommendation not to use Live Edit in workflow and compliance environments or if you're using 'presentation layer' apps to present your Confluence content.

@Philip Feldmann - appanvil presumably your earlier recommendation still stands.

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Nick Catalano
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May 30, 2024

Love this feature! It's great to finally have parity with the best feature of Google Docs, while also allowing publishing of versions of documents. This should completely remove the need for us to use Google Docs internally for collaboration and then copy the content into Confluence. Good work Atlassian team.

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Francisco Sciaraffia
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June 24, 2024

It'd be really great to have this be opt in/out for pages. Some pages are definitely ok to have live edit. others you want more "carved in stone" so to say. Would be lovely to have the option per page.

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Carolyn Glendening June 24, 2024

@Sam Lucas this is potentially very exciting functionality! However, when it is rolled out, Atlassian definitely needs to adhere to some best practices or it will be a complete no-go from our perspective:

  1. It should be entirely OFF for all spaces by default instead of on (the system should make enabling it a proactive action vs making us scramble to turn it off.)
  2. It should further be a setting at the Page level in addition to the Space. Only an admin or someone with proper permissions should be able to turn it on for a new page.
  3. It should be able to be enabled on existing pages rather than only new pages. We are in no circumstance going to rebuild a large library of existing pages where we want to use it.

The number one use case we would have for this is being able to update Jira field values in filter tables within a confluence page (statuses, or information in Confluence tables within a page. In a future state, the ideal would be to be able to turn 'on' live edit at that level (as a column or table setting, for instance) vs the page as a whole. Just as overall context! but the above 3 bullet points are the Key for rendering this functionality actually useable vs just plain dangerous and error-prone. (We want it to save work, not create more work for Admins to go digging through version history to find where someone messed something up :-)).


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