Problem: In my Confluence version, a black dot is used as the default bullet for every level in the multi-level list. It is very difficult to differentiate levels in a document.
I want to change the list to this:
Solution: Insert this CSS code into your Page / Global Stylesheet:
.wiki-content ul li { list-style: disc; }
.wiki-content ul li li { list-style: circle; }
.wiki-content ul li li li { list-style: square; }
.wiki-content ul li li li li { list-style: disc; }
.wiki-content ul li li li li li { list-style: circle; }
.wiki-content ul li li li li li li { list-style: square; }
Save and that's it! You can also customize the type of bullet by changing disc, circle, ... into something else. See more info here:
Note: To know how to get to the Stylesheet, see
Edit: Also, each "li " correspond to a level. E.g: li li means you are changing bullet at level 2. You can add more line if you want to config bullet type at deeper level
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