For those who don't know this already, the community leads sometimes ask for articles that could be a bit off-topic or not of any direct use. They're for a bit of socialisation and maybe thinking differently about something.
This month, we've been asked:
Q1. If you were trapped on a deserted island and could only use Confluence features to help you in the wild, which would you use to ensure your survival?
Q2. How have you or how would you use Confluence to make the world a better place?
I can't say that I know it's made the world a better place, but I've helped charities, medical establishments and researchers improve their use of Conflluence (including moving off expensive and closed systems), making their work together cheaper and better communicated. If nothing else, this frees up money to go into their causes.
Q3. If you could give Confluence to any person in history, who would you give it to and why?
Leonardo Da Vinci - just think what he would have written up and shared, so it wasn't lost in history.
I actually started that answer with Pierre De Fermat, because he scribbled something in a margin that led to 350 years of deep thought and a lot of maths. If only he'd been using a system where creating notes for later expansion was easy... But then I realised it was only one thing, and he may really have been just guessing and not had any explanation, so I changed my answer to a polymath with a wider range of stuff they could have documented.
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Principal Consultant (Senior geek, with mentoring duties)
12,477 accepted answers
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