Custom email addresses for Confluence notifications available now!

đź‘‹ Community - Nancy from Confluence PM team and I'm excited to announce  one of the top most requested features from notifications: custom email addresses for your Confluence site. 

Email notifications are an important part of the user’s workflow - however when they are sent from the Confluence domain they may be received as external content and considered untrusted or gets caught incorrectly as spam at many companies. With this feature your company communication can be trusted by all users as they come from a verified domain.

Currently in Confluence, when a user is watching a page or space or get mentioned, they receive emails from an domain. With this new change, If you are org admin for Confluence, you can set the “sender” email address for Confluence notifications to be from your company domain.

How to set up custom email addresses for Confluence notifications

Starting this week, org admins can use to choose an email address from their own company domain to be used for Confluence notifications (instructions here for setup).


Once the above is setup, product admins will be able to select the email address that should be used for notifications for the product sites they manage.

Here’s a quick screenshot of the new site settings configuration that can be edited by product admin for the sites they manage.

As a product admin go to Settings wheel in the right hand corner → then Notifications tab on the left to access this page below: see here for additional instructions.


Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 10.32.36 AM.png

We realize this has been a long awaited feature, and very excited that everyone will have access to it today to enable trusted email domains for your company’s Confluence users. Please give it a try and leave feedback for us here or head over to support for additional guidance.

1 comment

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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June 7, 2024

Super excite to try this. Thank you.

I'll need to get my IT team to handle the DNS records update, so I guess this is on my Monday morning fun list!

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